Monday, July 21, 2014

Piss and Vinegar

Okay so I don't usually use words like "piss" but special circumstances call for special words. My mom used the phrase "full of piss and vinegar" growing up. It refers to the behavior of small children or pets that can be somewhat disconcerting to their others. (Now let's be clear, it was used when describing my brother, not me.) To those like my hubby who are unfamiliar with the term, some synonyms would be: Rowdy, boisterous, full of youthful energy, ornery, trouble maker, stinker; characterized by getting into everything, becoming like a mini human tornado and destroying everything in sight, and generally driving someone nuts. This is one of the phrases I used with Little E this morning. Little E just happened to wake up this morning full of piss and vinegar. He also fits the description of Stitch in Lilo and Stitch. She tells him " This is your badness level. It's unusually high for someone your size."All before about 9:30 AM, here is some of the mischief he got into.
Photo Cred: Pinterest

First thing, he was contentedly eating his cereal and grapes in our room until I didn't hear him anymore. I heard something in the kitchen and not wanting to get up myself, and not being able to force hubby to go check, I sent the 3 year old. "Go see what your brother is doing." J comes running in saying "He got into the cat food! And he dumped out all the powder!!" Oh no. Under the usually locked cabinet under the sink where I keep the cat food, comet with bleach, and antibacterial wipes. He had dumped out almost the whole can of Comet. UGH! As soon as that was cleaned he quickly moved on to the ink pen and notebook. He loves to draw. This time it was all over himself. J said "Looks like E drew a snowflake on his tummy!"
Among other things, he also dragged the chair over to the counter to reach the bug spray,emptied out the medicine container, dumped out cupfuls of bath water onto the bathroom floor, and peed in the tub. Oh wait, that's a regular occurrence, guess I can't count that one. He is quick. And before you're able to recover from the last thing, he's moved on to the next.

See Little E is what hubby and I call a Sour Patch. You know those commercials where the sour patch kids do something terrible and then something sweet that totally endears the person to them? Like kick you in the shin and then come give you a kiss? That's Little E. He does all these crazy, frustrating antics and then he literally does it with the sweetest most charming smile. He looks at you like "What? Aren't you just as pleased with what I did as I am?!" And then he comes and hugs your leg. Dang that kid is cute! We believe God made him that way so we wouldn't strangle him. God's smart like that. 

Video Cred: Youtube

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