Our sense of smell has a very strong influence on the way we think about and remember things. Smells can take us back to our childhoods, remind us of people and places we haven't even thought of in years. My sense of smell is particularly strong. I can smell things from really far away and pinpoint what it is with surprising accuracy. It's a gift and a curse. Just imagine what it was like for me when I was pregnant! And imagine what it's like to be my husband! "Eww don't come near me, I know you had garlic at lunch!" Or, "Ooh honey smells like fresh cut grass, you've been mowing the lawn?"
Confession time.Promise not to judge? I'm pretty sure I have a problem. A diaper problem. Like I love to smell diapers kind of problem. And no not dirty ones, I don't have THAT kind of problem. But since we're on the topic, I sure have sniffed for a poopy diaper a time or two or a thousand. What mom hasn' t?! No these diapers have to be fresh. And not just any kind of diapers, but Pampers diapers. Have you ever smelled a Pampers diaper? They smell like all things beautiful and precious about babies. They smell like clean, powdered baby bottom. I have been known to open a new bag and inhale deeply and smile. My hubby probably thinks, "what the heck? Oh whatever, it's just one of her quirky things." I love to smell them because they remind me of my baby. Because that's what he smells like! I just love it.
You know those little old ladies you see in the grocery store? Maybe it's just me because we are always there in the morning and it's only old people there. But you know who I'm talking about. Pushing that cart, shuffling down the aisles, getting their tuna fish and crackers and whatever else little old ladies eat. She always stops when we come down the aisle. It doesn't matter how unruly my children are being she's always smiling, never judging like others might. She says "what sweet boys!" She may even be bold enough to reach over and pinch their cheeks or tickle their chubby feet. I always smile and nod. These ladies delight in seeing little ones because sadly, they are by themselves most of the day. It may just be the highlight of their day to go to the store and pinch some stranger's baby's cheeks. And bless their hearts, those sweet old ladies have their own crazy quirks too.
Fast forward 60 years or so. I AM THAT LADY. I am the crazy, old, diaper lady. Because I am old and have lived my life. My hubby, God rest his soul has passed on (sorry babe) and left me alone. My children are all grown. My grandchildren are scattered. No little ones are there to throw all the stuff out of the cart, to insist on getting the eggs himself and subsequently break a half dozen, to yell and beg for candy at the checkout. So I shuffle down those aisles alone with my cart and stop in the baby section. I walk to the diapers and I shakily reach for a bag of Pampers. I look around to see if anyone is watching. I debate whether to track down that young mother two aisles over and ask if I can smell her baby's bottom. I think better of it. So I slowly inhale the delicious scent. Mmmm. Clean, powdered, baby bottom. And all those memories come rushing back like they were yesterday. Memories of snuggling a newborn close while they nurse. Memories of countless diaper changes. Memories of being peed on when you least expect it. Memories of cuddling with a toddler before naptime. Memories of a little one running around the house in only a diaper. Smelling that smell and remembering my babies when they were babies. And I smile. God bless the Pampers company. And now I'd love to know how many of you went and smelled your baby's diapers?
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