Monday, July 28, 2014

Money Probs

Money problems always stink no matter how you look at it. Unfortunately we need it to survive. Our money problems have definitely evolved since having children. First it was because we were young, married, and trying to make ends meet. Now it’s because of these creatures we live with. Oh sure everyone tells you kids are expensive. Yeah ,yeah sure, whatever.  I began to think they were liars because our babies were actually pretty cheap right? Free breastmilk! Seemingly lifetime supply of diapers and wipes from all those wonderful showers. And the clothes? Dang people love to pick out clothes for babies! But then they began to grow. No one buys clothes for your kid when they get to a size 4T!(besides their sweet Mimi) No one told me that. And shoes. They grow a shoe size every time I turn around. Either that or they throw one of their shoes at a random location when my head is turned and we have to buy a new pair anyway. Ahem, E. My hubby acts like “those kids really need more clothes and shoes??” Poor thing doesn’t understand either.  And it has nothing to do with my obsession with Carters and Gymboree so don’t look at me that way.

Oh and those diapers I thought would last until they were potty trained? 6 months tops. Now instead of changing that precious bottom every time they go, the name of the game is see how long we can get out of that diaper before it actually falls off their little bottom from the weight of it. Don’t judge. And go figure, after they’re done breastfeeding and begin to eat food, they begin to eat you out of house and home! Now instead of money probs because we are irresponsible with it and go out to eat all the time or get an occasional pedi, or buy a new cute Easter dress for myself, or whatever, now we drop a small fortune at Publix every week! I’m talking they should personally thank us for helping their stocks go up (I don’t even know if that’s how it works but you get the idea). Growing boys are expensive to feed! And don’t you know that you have to feed them all the time?? They’re constantly hungry. Every time I turn around I’m like I need to feed ya’ll again?? And by the way, people who say eating healthy doesn't have to be expensive are just not telling the truth.  We’ve dedicated our family to mostly clean eating and it’s not cheap. Not to say we don’t have a Goldfish habit. Pretty sure they aren't "clean" but try to tell J and E that.

So because of the commitment we have made for me to be a stay at home mama, we depend on one income to constantly feed those monsters we call our children. And I try really hard not to think about the fact that in a short few years from now they will both be teenagers at the same time and thinking they eat a lot now is pretty much a joke. Yikes!
Wouldn’t have it any other way. (Most days)
PS: Anyone else notice that all my posts involve Publix in some way? Weird.


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