Tuesday, September 9, 2014

The Mystery of "Uh-Uh!"

My little almost-two-year-old, E does not talk. Well mostly he doesn't. Sure he says "dada" and "mama" occasionally, and really likes to say "ball", even when referring to balloons. But other than that, he doesn't even say no! I'm not worried about this however. I know he's super smart and understands everything that's said to him. I also know that he's just really stubborn and doesn't talk because he simply doesn't want to.This child has an uncanny knack at talking without talking.He has a way of communicating to you exactly what he wants without saying an actual word.

He does this primarily by what I call the mystery of "uh-uh". You know, the in-your-throat, don't bother to say the word no, "uh-uh". E uses this word for everything. It can be used interchangeably to mean yes, no, I don't know, etc.
For example, "E, you ready to go to bed?" Uh-uh. 
"E, you want some applesauce?" Uh-uh. 
"E, where is your blankie and monkey?" Uh-uh. Bonus, shoulder shrug. 
"E, let's change your diaper." Uh-uh. 
"Ready to get out of the bath tub?"  Uh-uh.
"E, do you love mama?" Uh-uh. 

You can see how this can be very confusing and counterproductive.Because the uh-uh is also accompanied by the head shake. He apparently does not relish the thought of answering in the positive. What's really funny is when big brother J translates. "He said no, which really means yes, so he means yes mama." 

One day he will say actual words and shout no at me and I'll probably forget all about the mystery of uh-uh. But for now, this is our language.

Wouldn't want it any other way (most days)

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