Thursday, August 7, 2014


There I am, fixing dinner, minding my own business. My first mistake was not checking on my weirdly quiet sour patch kid. I walked into the living room to check and see E squirting the bottle of sunscreen he had taken from the diaper bag into a colander he had taken from the kitchen. “No E!! No!!” He looked up at me innocently of course.  But then I looked around at the rest of the living room. “Ohh Noo E!” I can’t remember the exact words but I’m pretty sure I didn’t speak too lovingly to my little one year old. A quick survey of the room showed he had also blessed the couch, the coffee table, the rug on the floor, and the TV table with bright white SPF 50 Sunscreen.

Gee, E if you wanted to go to the beach so badly you should have just told me.

Do you know how incredibly hard it is to clean out sunscreen from pretty much anything??  Greasy, oily, mess. After little E was bathed and put to bed I started in on the bright whiteness. It spreads. I had to use Resolve on the couch. It was then I began to see the white cloth I was using start to turn brown. Eww!

Okay if you know me you know I am a bit of a clean freak. Okay a lot a bit of a clean freak. And now I can add to the list: filthy couch. See our couch is brown, and so you couldn’t see my greatest enemy(possibly a bit dramatic) lurking right there. Until now.  So now thanks to my wonderfully inquisitive child who has a penchant for finding things he can squirt out, (soap, shampoo, lotion, Comet, etc) I know I have filthy couches. And I’m not sure what I can do about it. Do you know what that does to a clean freak like me? PS: I would have posted pics but they looked strangely like a crime scene and I didn't want to creep people out.

So I owe it all to sunscreen. And my precious son of course. Love him. As he’s slamming his hands on my keyboard as we speak. Wouldn’t trade it for anything (most days!)


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