Saturday, August 16, 2014

Back to School (Not So) Blues

Okay so I must be the only mama who is truly excited that it's almost school time. I keep seeing all these status updates.. "One more day until school starts, I'm gonna miss my baby sooo much! Soaking up the last day of summer before school, sad Mama, etc, etc."Are these updates designed specifically to shame me?! They might as well say "How can you not be depressed about your baby going to school and the fact that he will be away from you for three WHOLE hours for five WHOLE days a week??! Terrible mother."

I'm kidding I'm sure they're not, but still there's that mommy guilt.  You see, I love when school is in. The whole reason I send him to school is so we can be away from each other. Lord what would I do if I was homeschooling him? Wow I really do sound like a terrible mother..

Well it's true. Don't misunderstand me, my hubby and my babies are my life, in that order. They are one of the biggest purposes in my life. When I was young, I always wanted to be a mommy. And I knew before I was even married that I would  do whatever it took for me to stay home with my little ones and raise them myself. But Mama needs a little break and I'm sure J gets sick of me too! Absence makes the heart grow fonder, ya know.

School has been great for J. Gives him a structure, an outlet for his crazy boy energy. And he gets the chance to learn in a formal setting, and interact with kids his age. And do all those fun school things.
 Orientation was last week. He's not too keen on this new school thing. He meets his new teacher and blurts out, "I'm not having any fun!" Well there you have it. Hate to break it to you brother but you're still goin.

So we will pack his cute little backpack, and take him to his first day of school, and take all those pictures he hates me to take (I'm NOT smiling) , and I am sure that once I've dropped him off, I will miss him. Thankfully, absence makes the heart grow fonder. Now about getting the little one in school somewhere...

What about you? Like sending your little ones to school?

Wouldn't have it any other way (most days)

Thursday, August 7, 2014


There I am, fixing dinner, minding my own business. My first mistake was not checking on my weirdly quiet sour patch kid. I walked into the living room to check and see E squirting the bottle of sunscreen he had taken from the diaper bag into a colander he had taken from the kitchen. “No E!! No!!” He looked up at me innocently of course.  But then I looked around at the rest of the living room. “Ohh Noo E!” I can’t remember the exact words but I’m pretty sure I didn’t speak too lovingly to my little one year old. A quick survey of the room showed he had also blessed the couch, the coffee table, the rug on the floor, and the TV table with bright white SPF 50 Sunscreen.

Gee, E if you wanted to go to the beach so badly you should have just told me.

Do you know how incredibly hard it is to clean out sunscreen from pretty much anything??  Greasy, oily, mess. After little E was bathed and put to bed I started in on the bright whiteness. It spreads. I had to use Resolve on the couch. It was then I began to see the white cloth I was using start to turn brown. Eww!

Okay if you know me you know I am a bit of a clean freak. Okay a lot a bit of a clean freak. And now I can add to the list: filthy couch. See our couch is brown, and so you couldn’t see my greatest enemy(possibly a bit dramatic) lurking right there. Until now.  So now thanks to my wonderfully inquisitive child who has a penchant for finding things he can squirt out, (soap, shampoo, lotion, Comet, etc) I know I have filthy couches. And I’m not sure what I can do about it. Do you know what that does to a clean freak like me? PS: I would have posted pics but they looked strangely like a crime scene and I didn't want to creep people out.

So I owe it all to sunscreen. And my precious son of course. Love him. As he’s slamming his hands on my keyboard as we speak. Wouldn’t trade it for anything (most days!)
