After the biggest response I have had so far to my blog following my last post about breastfeeding, I would like to continue!
Under the title "You know you're a nursing mama when.." I will share things I have learned and experienced through my two breastfeeding journeys. Again, not every journey is the same, but there are some universal truths. I would love for other mamas to comment and add to my list of their own experiences!
You know you're a nursing mama when:
-You can put that baby straight into what we call a "milk coma"
-A baby who is a complete stranger can have you letting down by crying in your vicinity
-You know what the phrase "letting down" means
-You have tried at least once to nurse a crying newborn in a bathroom stall. Just once.
-You have nursed and/or pumped in the most strangest places. Bathroom at Disney.. bathroom at your friend's wedding in your bridesmaids gown, on a NYC subway, front row at church...
-You get extremely defensive when anyone mentions giving that baby a bottle
-Formula samples, coupons, and commercials can be irritating to you
-You have probably flashed more strangers (and people you know) than you care to admit.
-You know what it feels like to have two very large and painful rocks on your chest
-You have milk sprayed your baby in the face, and possibly your partner's
-You thought you would die when that baby with his new teeth bit right down and then laughed at your reaction
-Taking a romantic getaway is absolutely out of the question because you can't be away from your little one
-Taking a romantic anything is out of the question in fact.
-Your chest has never been bigger. Or more off limits. I mean it. Don't touch!
-Your new lingerie is nursing bras. Unfortunately they don't sell those at Victoria's Secret.
-Two different sizes brings on a whole new meaning. By the way, don't try on bras in this condition.
-Your freezer is full of little plastic bags of milk. These are gold by the way. Pouring it down the sink is painful.
-You know what it's like to survive on very little sleep. You now have a new identity as a zombie.
-Nursing in public is both necessary and your right, but you still can't help looking over your shoulder, waiting for a dirty look.
-You never thought you would cherish feeding your baby as much as you do. Those times of snuggling close are precious times you'll never forget!
Now it's your turn! What would you have to add?